Idées déco de très grandes maisons

Idées déco pour un très grand sous-sol classique semi-enterré avec un mur blanc, sol en béton ciré, aucune cheminée et un sol gris.

Réalisation d'une très grande salle à manger ouverte sur le salon champêtre avec un mur blanc, parquet peint, aucune cheminée, un sol blanc, poutres apparentes et éclairage.

Before and After photos courtesy of my remote clients.
All details about this project can be found here:

Réalisation d'une très grande entrée avec un mur blanc, un sol en marbre, une porte simple et une porte en bois brun.

Meandering lawn edged by Lavenders, Verbena and Sollya provide a colorful deer resistant garden that elegantly frames a large expansive lawn.
Réalisation d'un très grand jardin tradition au printemps avec un massif de fleurs et une exposition ensoleillée.
Réalisation d'un très grand jardin tradition au printemps avec un massif de fleurs et une exposition ensoleillée.

Exemple d'un très grand salon tendance ouvert avec sol en béton ciré, un sol beige, une salle de réception, un mur blanc et aucun téléviseur.

Mario Cambardella
Idées déco pour un très grand jardin avant campagne avec une terrasse en bois.
Idées déco pour un très grand jardin avant campagne avec une terrasse en bois.

The right amount of accessories keeps this kitchen open and ready to host.
Cette photo montre une très grande cuisine chic en U et bois brun avec un évier de ferme, un placard à porte plane, une crédence blanche, un électroménager en acier inoxydable, îlot, un sol noir, un plan de travail blanc et fenêtre au-dessus de l'évier.
Cette photo montre une très grande cuisine chic en U et bois brun avec un évier de ferme, un placard à porte plane, une crédence blanche, un électroménager en acier inoxydable, îlot, un sol noir, un plan de travail blanc et fenêtre au-dessus de l'évier.

offenes Bad in der privaten Ebene des Elternschalfzimmers ohne Trennung mit Durchgang durch die Ankleide ins Schlafzimmer
Foto Markus Vogt
Exemple d'une très grande salle de bain principale moderne avec un placard sans porte, des portes de placard noires, une baignoire indépendante, une douche à l'italienne, WC séparés, un mur blanc, parquet clair, une vasque, un plan de toilette en surface solide, aucune cabine et un plan de toilette blanc.
Exemple d'une très grande salle de bain principale moderne avec un placard sans porte, des portes de placard noires, une baignoire indépendante, une douche à l'italienne, WC séparés, un mur blanc, parquet clair, une vasque, un plan de toilette en surface solide, aucune cabine et un plan de toilette blanc.

SMUK Solutions Ltd
Idée de décoration pour un très grand jardin arrière design l'été avec un foyer extérieur, une exposition ensoleillée et une terrasse en bois.
Idée de décoration pour un très grand jardin arrière design l'été avec un foyer extérieur, une exposition ensoleillée et une terrasse en bois.

Inspiration pour un très grand jardin arrière traditionnel avec une exposition ensoleillée.
Inspiration pour un très grand jardin arrière traditionnel avec une exposition ensoleillée.

Un loft immense, dans un ancien garage, à rénover entièrement pour moins de 250 euros par mètre carré ! Il a fallu ruser.... les anciens propriétaires avaient peint les murs en vert pomme et en violet, aucun sol n'était semblable à l'autre.... l'uniformisation s'est faite par le choix d'un beau blanc mat partout, sols murs et plafonds, avec un revêtement de sol pour usage commercial qui a permis de proposer de la résistance tout en conservant le bel aspect des lattes de parquet (en réalité un parquet flottant de très mauvaise facture, qui semble ainsi du parquet massif simplement peint). Le blanc a aussi apporté de la luminosité et une impression de calme, d'espace et de quiétude, tout en jouant au maximum de la luminosité naturelle dans cet ancien garage où les seules fenêtres sont des fenêtres de toit qui laissent seulement voir le ciel. La salle de bain était en carrelage marron, remplacé par des carreaux émaillés imitation zelliges ; pour donner du cachet et un caractère unique au lieu, les meubles ont été maçonnés sur mesure : plan vasque dans la salle de bain, bibliothèque dans le salon de lecture, vaisselier dans l'espace dinatoire, meuble de rangement pour les jouets dans le coin des enfants. La cuisine ne pouvait pas être refaite entièrement pour une question de budget, on a donc simplement remplacé les portes blanches laquées d'origine par du beau pin huilé et des poignées industrielles. Toujours pour respecter les contraintes financières de la famille, les meubles et accessoires ont été dans la mesure du possible chinés sur internet ou aux puces. Les nouveaux propriétaires souhaitaient un univers industriels campagnard, un sentiment de maison de vacances en noir, blanc et bois. Seule exception : la chambre d'enfants (une petite fille et un bébé) pour laquelle une estrade sur mesure a été imaginée, avec des rangements en dessous et un espace pour la tête de lit du berceau. Le papier peint Rebel Walls à l'ambiance sylvestre complète la déco, très nature et poétique.

Innenansicht Wohnraum im Energiegarten aus Polycarbonat in Holzbauweise mit Erschließung über eine Stahltreppe. Im Obergeschoss befinden sich Kinderzimmer, ein Bad und eine Bibliothek auf der Galerie
Fotos: Markus Vogt

I built this on my property for my aging father who has some health issues. Handicap accessibility was a factor in design. His dream has always been to try retire to a cabin in the woods. This is what he got.
It is a 1 bedroom, 1 bath with a great room. It is 600 sqft of AC space. The footprint is 40' x 26' overall.
The site was the former home of our pig pen. I only had to take 1 tree to make this work and I planted 3 in its place. The axis is set from root ball to root ball. The rear center is aligned with mean sunset and is visible across a wetland.
The goal was to make the home feel like it was floating in the palms. The geometry had to simple and I didn't want it feeling heavy on the land so I cantilevered the structure beyond exposed foundation walls. My barn is nearby and it features old 1950's "S" corrugated metal panel walls. I used the same panel profile for my siding. I ran it vertical to match the barn, but also to balance the length of the structure and stretch the high point into the canopy, visually. The wood is all Southern Yellow Pine. This material came from clearing at the Babcock Ranch Development site. I ran it through the structure, end to end and horizontally, to create a seamless feel and to stretch the space. It worked. It feels MUCH bigger than it is.
I milled the material to specific sizes in specific areas to create precise alignments. Floor starters align with base. Wall tops adjoin ceiling starters to create the illusion of a seamless board. All light fixtures, HVAC supports, cabinets, switches, outlets, are set specifically to wood joints. The front and rear porch wood has three different milling profiles so the hypotenuse on the ceilings, align with the walls, and yield an aligned deck board below. Yes, I over did it. It is spectacular in its detailing. That's the benefit of small spaces.
Concrete counters and IKEA cabinets round out the conversation.
For those who cannot live tiny, I offer the Tiny-ish House.
Photos by Ryan Gamma
Staging by iStage Homes
Design Assistance Jimmy Thornton

Make the most of your outdoor living space with this Mischa outdoor bench. It features a center seating panel that can be raised to act as a table, eliminating the need for additional furniture in smaller spaces. Crafted from strong, sturdy acacia wood with a pleasing grain pattern, the bench offers a slat back design and plank seating for classic style.
Photo: Indigo & Honey Blog

Dinosaur themed bedroom for a child in NJ. Photo by Artworks by Marcine, LLC
Exemple d'une très grande chambre neutre de 1 à 3 ans éclectique avec un mur beige et moquette.
Exemple d'une très grande chambre neutre de 1 à 3 ans éclectique avec un mur beige et moquette.

The MultiTable FlexTable Height Adjustable sit Stand Desk.
The FlexTable by MultiTable is uniquely designed from the ground up to be the most steadfast, versatile and adaptable height adjustable standing desk made for today’s modern workspace.
Now the power is in your hands to sit or stand with an affordable height adjustable desk that can be ordered with an electric up-down switch or a hand crank – you get to choose how to raise and lower your desk surface. Best part is you can easily and quickly convert the FlexTable from a manual hand crank to an electric switch at any time with the FlexTable Electric Upgrade Kit.
Offering impressive height adjustability from 27 ⅝” to 45 ⅞”, the FlexTable is made from quality-grade aluminum and steel components that can support standard desk tops ranging from 40” to 72” wide. Our most affordable standing desk yet, FlexTable achieves the ultimate in functionality, comfort and flexibility.
With MultiTable, you decide how you accomplish your best work.
Affordable, high-quality design in a variety of standard colors
Powder-coated premium aluminum and steel desk frame
Expansive height adjustability from 27 ⅝” to 45 ⅞”
Adjustable width range from: 43” to 67”
Adjustable desk frame width supports desk tops up to 72”
Wide desk frame leg structure for improved stability and durability
Flexible conversion from manual hand crank to electric switch with FlexTable Electric Conversion Kit
30-day return guarantee
5-year limited warranty

In My Sister’s Garden-A Wistful Romp through a Drought Resistant Oasis
"Spring is the time of the year, when it is summer in the sun and winter in the shade." - Charles Dickens
One of the great things about growing up on a farm in the boondocks is that your tribe is your family. We five siblings were as thick as thieves as we climbed trees, worked the fields, pulled fences, drove tractors, branded cattle, and planted the spring garden. We played, we quarreled, and we dug in the dirt together. By the time May arrived, we ached to get our hands grubby in the vegetable patch. Waiting for the vegetables to sprout and be harvested taught us patience and responsibility. Of course, Mom’s beautiful flower gardens would already be abloom by this time of year getting us into constant trouble because we were forever picking bouquets not only for her, but, for teachers, 4-H leaders, and Sunday masses.
As we grew into adults, our love of the earth grew as well. Following in the big shoes of my Father, my brother continued the family tradition of being a farmer and has one of the most beautiful vineyards in the county. Our Mother’s love of gardening instructed the gardens of her girls.
Recently I walked with my sister Debbie through her eclectic garden. There is a saying that “you can take the girl out of the country, but you can never take the country out of the girl.” With Deb, she’s never left the land where we were born. She is a country cowgirl through and through. She’s always adorned with her cowboy hat, rodeo belt buckle, and boots! She hunts, fishes, grows her food, and would have relished being a pioneer in the 1870’s.
Debbie and her husband are the ultimate recyclers and re-purposers. With their barnyard of adopted animals-pigs, goats, donkeys, chickens, even Texas long horns at one time, all the weeds and garden cuttings feed the animals and the manure is then recycled back to the garden. They collect rooftop rain runoff in used wine barrels then pipe it to a storage tank to help with summer watering. It’s never enough, but every drop helps. Their garden art includes rusted plows, wooden swings, a plethora of homemade birdhouses, multiple fountains made from found objects, wagon wheels, antlers, the cutest country chicken coop you ever did see, and a sleeping shed outfitted with a bear hide, antique fishing gear, pinecones, and found treasures of every sort. From their patio they watch the wildlife on their hillside property-deer, bobcats, raccoons, turkeys, skunks, and the occasional mountain lion. It’s a playful, restful garden setting, albeit with a watchful eye for the rattlesnakes that enjoy this oasis as well.
What I love about Debbie’s garden is how it reflects her unique personality, her love of the land, and her admiration for the history of the Wild West. As we ambled around the property with her happy dogs in the lead, the songbirds sang, a bevy of butterflies delicately landed on her flowers, and the koi in the pond swam to the surface to greet me. This time together immersed in this sustainable landscape nurtured my soul and brought our childhood memories to vivid life. Although we grow the same plants, shrubs, trees, and succulents in both of our yards, our designs and esthetics are completely different. And that’s the beauty of creating a garden, making it your own special paradise where you can find peace, tranquility, and restoration in tandem with the wild kingdom.
⎫ Don’t over-think it! Make lists of everything you enjoy in a garden then do it.
⎫ Be conservation conscious as well as considerate of nature.
⎫ Be creative. Think swathes, angles, circles, and flow. There is nothing more boring than a box.
⎫ The hardscape must include natural materials: rocks, gravel, barn wood, shells, or anything meaningful to you.
⎫ Instead of buying art, repurpose childhood toys, old sinks, even a commode overflowing with flowers can be comical.
⎫ Be playful. When you are going to spend time in the outdoors, you want to enjoy yourself. Allow your personality to shine.
⎫ Add surprises, secret gardens, hedged rooms, anything that will enhance the whimsical and magical element to your garden experience.
⎫ Lead to a focal point or view with meandering paths, walkways, and trails.
⎫ Invite the pollinators; bees, butterflies, and birds by providing housing, nectar flowers, protection, fountains, and ponds.
⎫ Mix it up. For a drought resistant garden, consider an array of beautiful succulents, cactus, lavender, bulbs, iris, daylily, geraniums, and other plants that will add color, texture, form, and structure, yet require little maintenance and minimal water.
⎫ A potager, pots, or area designated for edibles and herbs is a must have. There is nothing better than picking your dinner from your own property.
⎫ Benches, swings, lounge chairs, umbrellas, and places to unwind, watch the clouds, savor sunsets, and marvel at the stars make your garden your home.
What’s so fun about our family gardening experience is the sharing that we all do in giving each other clips, snips, cuttings, bulbs, and volunteers. We grow the same specimens and as we stroll and admire our handiwork, we can’t remember who gave what to whom first.
As I said farewell to my sister, she handed me a hand-painted tin filled with blooming echeveria from clippings I had given her a few years before. We shared a laugh.
Little did I know this would be the last walk with my sister. She died just a few days before this article was published. She would have loved to have seen her passion in print. Debbie may you garden in the heavens. The circle of life continues.
Happy Trails to you, Debbie. Until we meet again...
Read more: https://www.lam
Radio Broadcast:
Press Pass:
Cynthia Brian
The Goddess Gardener
Starstyle® Productions, llc
Tune into Cynthia’s Radio show at
I am available as a speaker, designer, and consultant.
Keywords: Debbie’s garden my sister’s garden, a cowboy western garden, drought resistant plants, cynthia brian, lamorinda weekly, starstyle, goddess gardener.

We changed the original shower layout, to give them a larger shower/spa/steamshower,which included 3 body sprayers, rain head, shower wand, and shaving station. We gave them a steam shower (steam room)
Idées déco de très grandes maisons