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Architectes sur New York, NY

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Avis sélectionnés pour Architectes sur New York, NY

Architectes sur New York, NY
Note moyenne : 5 étoiles sur 512 mars 2024
“We highly recommend Viktoria as a thoughtful, responsible architect. Her sense of design is well balanced with attention to details and the clients needs.”
Paredes-Grube Architecture
Architectes sur New York, NY
Note moyenne : 5 étoiles sur 57 janvier 2014
“Xiomara and team completed the design for our project - a 3 story addition to our 1920's home. We are in the process of adding a finished basement/media room, first floor mud room/powder room/family room, second floor master suite, and third floor bedroom/bath. We chose to work with Xiomara because of her focus on seemlessly incorporating the new with the old - you cannot tell we have even done an addition. Our project was complex and required reworking the entire clay tile roof line. Our house now functions beautifully. Xiomara had many great ideas and she took our rough concept of what we needed and has transformed our home. I would highly recommend Xiomara and her team.”
Weil Friedman Architects
Architectes sur New York, NY
Note moyenne : 5 étoiles sur 511 novembre 2013
“I began working with Weil Friedman Architects (specifically, Barbara Friedman) in the Fall of 2012, when I purchased a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, approximately 1750 sq. foot apartment in my current building, anticipating my July marriage and the combination of two families of kids and animals. Time had stood still in the apartment since the 1960s, so this was a total renovation. New kitchen and baths, surfaces, all lighting throughout, built-ins, reconfiguration of the space. From the design and drawing stage, through construction and punch list, Weil Friedman Architects were the consummate professionals. Detail-oriented, never dropped the ball once, always available to answer questions, worked extremely well with the contractors. They are "soup to nuts" architects, participating in everything from choosing stone, fabrics, paint, flooring, cabinetry, and just the right appliances...you get an architect, project manager, designer, decorator, and "seeker and finder of the perfect polished nickel bullet hinge" all rolled into one. They are great to work with, offering ideas while listening to yours. The project finished right on schedule, and that was in no small part due to Weil Friedman's determination and midnight and weekend oil. Not only that, but we finished on budget. Amazing. I wish I had another apartment to renovate just so I can work with them again, and I tell anyone I know who is about to undertake a project, that they should talk to them.”
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