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Idées déco d'escaliers courbes avec des contremarches en pierre calcaire

The Stonemasonry Company LimitedThe Stonemasonry Company Limited
This classic and elegant cantilever staircase was installed in a private country residence in late 2018. This features stone staircase has been manufactured in traditional Portland limestone and finished with spindles cast by our trusted partners from architectural salvage.
The Stonemasonry Company LimitedThe Stonemasonry Company Limited
This classic and elegant cantilever staircase was installed in a private country residence in late 2018. This features stone staircase has been manufactured in traditional Portland limestone and finished with spindles cast by our trusted partners from architectural salvage.
D’oro House
D’oro House
The Stonemasonry Company LimitedThe Stonemasonry Company Limited
This classic statement stone staircase is a key feature of this elegant entrance hallway. It was installed near Bath by our specialist team of masons.
D’oro House
D’oro House
The Stonemasonry Company LimitedThe Stonemasonry Company Limited
This classic statement stone staircase is a key feature of this elegant entrance hallway. It was installed near Bath by our specialist team of masons.
D’oro House
D’oro House
The Stonemasonry Company LimitedThe Stonemasonry Company Limited
This classic statement stone staircase is a key feature of this elegant entrance hallway. It was installed near Bath by our specialist team of masons.
Central London Stone Stair
Central London Stone Stair
Webb Yates EngineersWebb Yates Engineers
Client: Private Architect/Designer: Jamie Fobert Architects Contractor: Ateliers Romeo Photography: Agnese Sanvito
Cette image montre un très grand escalier courbe design avec des marches en pierre calcaire et des contremarches en pierre calcaire.
D’oro House
D’oro House
The Stonemasonry Company LimitedThe Stonemasonry Company Limited
This classic statement stone staircase is a key feature of this elegant entrance hallway. It was installed near Bath by our specialist team of masons.
The Stonemasonry Company LimitedThe Stonemasonry Company Limited
This classic and elegant cantilever staircase was installed in a private country residence in late 2018. This features stone staircase has been manufactured in traditional Portland limestone and finished with spindles cast by our trusted partners from architectural salvage.
D’oro House
D’oro House
The Stonemasonry Company LimitedThe Stonemasonry Company Limited
This classic statement stone staircase is a key feature of this elegant entrance hallway. It was installed near Bath by our specialist team of masons.
Schmiedekunst in einer Wohnresidenz
Schmiedekunst in einer Wohnresidenz
markiewicz GmbHmarkiewicz GmbH
Diese zweiläufige Betontreppe mit Steinstufen und Holzwangen im Jugendstil befindet sich in einer exklusiven Wohnresidenz. Diese Art Nouveau Stiltreppe imponiert durch florale und stilgebende Ornamente des Geländers aus Kunstschmiedeeisen. Der schwungvolle Handlauf aus gebeiztem Iroko wurde in unserer Manufaktur maßgefertigt. Die Treppen im Jugendstil von markiewicz sind anspruchsvolle, handwerkliche Meisterleistungen in Formvollendung und zeigen, dass l’Art Nouveau auch noch heute modern ist.
Schmiedekunst in einer Wohnresidenz
Schmiedekunst in einer Wohnresidenz
markiewicz GmbHmarkiewicz GmbH
Diese zweiläufige Betontreppe mit Steinstufen und Holzwangen im Jugendstil befindet sich in einer exklusiven Wohnresidenz. Diese Art Nouveau Stiltreppe imponiert durch florale und stilgebende Ornamente des Geländers aus Kunstschmiedeeisen. Der schwungvolle Handlauf aus gebeiztem Iroko wurde in unserer Manufaktur maßgefertigt. Die Treppen im Jugendstil von markiewicz sind anspruchsvolle, handwerkliche Meisterleistungen in Formvollendung und zeigen, dass l’Art Nouveau auch noch heute modern ist.
The Stonemasonry Company LimitedThe Stonemasonry Company Limited
This elegant two flight traditional cantilever stone staircase features wooden spindles and handrail. It was manufactured in Combe Brune limestone and installed in Somerset by our expert team.
The Stonemasonry Company LimitedThe Stonemasonry Company Limited
This classic and elegant cantilever staircase was installed in a private country residence in late 2018. This features stone staircase has been manufactured in traditional Portland limestone and finished with spindles cast by our trusted partners from architectural salvage.
The Stonemasonry Company LimitedThe Stonemasonry Company Limited
This elegant two flight traditional cantilever stone staircase features wooden spindles and handrail. It was manufactured in Combe Brune limestone and installed in Somerset by our expert team.

Idées déco d'escaliers courbes avec des contremarches en pierre calcaire

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