Idées déco de chambres d'enfant éclectiques
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Cette image montre une chambre d'enfant de 1 à 3 ans bohème avec un mur multicolore, parquet clair et un sol beige.

La rénovation complète d'un appartement familial Hausmannien insufflé de modernité et d'audace.
Exemple d'une chambre d'enfant éclectique.
Exemple d'une chambre d'enfant éclectique.

Appartement duplex C (R+3/R+4) : la chambre du 3e, donnant sur la cour, mais aussi sur l'arrière du bâtiment avec des percements de grands pavé de verre 30x30.

Idée de décoration pour une chambre d'enfant bohème avec un mur bleu, un sol en bois brun et un sol marron.
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THEME This room is dedicated to supporting and encouraging the young artist in art and music. From the hand-painted instruments decorating the music corner to
the dedicated foldaway art table, every space is tailored to the creative spirit, offering a place to be inspired, a nook to relax or a corner to practice. This environment
radiates energy from the ground up, showering the room in natural, vibrant color.
FOCUS A majestic, floor-to-ceiling tree anchors the space, boldly transporting the beauty of nature into the house--along with the fun of swinging from a tree branch,
pitching a tent or reading under the beautiful canopy. The tree shares pride of place with a unique, retroinspired
room divider housing a colorful padded nook perfect for
reading, watching television or just relaxing.
STORAGE Multiple storage options are integrated to accommodate the family’s eclectic interests and
varied needs. From hidden cabinets in the floor to movable shelves and storage bins, there is room
for everything. The two wardrobes provide generous storage capacity without taking up valuable floor
space, and readily open up to sweep toys out of sight. The myWall® panels accommodate various shelving options and bins that can all be repositioned as needed. Additional storage and display options are strategically
provided around the room to store sheet music or display art projects on any of three magnetic panels.
GROWTH While the young artist experiments with media or music, he can also adapt this space to complement his experiences. The myWall® panels promote easy transformation and expansion, offer unlimited options, and keep shelving at an optimum height as he grows. All the furniture rolls on casters so the room can sustain the
action during a play date or be completely re-imagined if the family wants a makeover.
SAFETY The elements in this large open space are all designed to enfold a young boy in a playful, creative and safe place. The modular components on the myWall® panels are all locked securely in place no matter what they store. The custom drop-down table includes two safety latches to prevent unintentional opening. The floor drop doors are all equipped with slow glide closing hinges so no fingers will be trapped.

This room is a combination of creativity and fun. Many of trees and leaves were hand painted. Several custom elements went in to makeing this room very special.

Cette image montre une petite chambre d'enfant bohème avec un mur orange, moquette, un sol beige et du papier peint.

Idée de décoration pour une très grande chambre de fille bohème avec un bureau, un mur rose, un sol en bois brun et un sol marron.

This boys' room reflects a love of the great outdoors with special attention paid to Minnesota's favorite lumberjack, Paul Bunyan. It was designed to easily grow with the child and has many different shelves, cubbies, nooks, and crannies for him to stow away his trinkets and display his treasures.

Eric Piasecki
Aménagement d'une petite chambre d'enfant de 4 à 10 ans éclectique avec un mur rose et moquette.
Aménagement d'une petite chambre d'enfant de 4 à 10 ans éclectique avec un mur rose et moquette.

This was such a fun project for us to work on. We do mainly design wallpapers with boys in mind but this little girl loved the 'Which Came First' wallpaper so much how could we deny her. Matched with the bright yellow table & smart gingham lampshade it is a beautifully feminine space
Idées déco de chambres d'enfant éclectiques

Эта просторная, светлая квартира полностью отражает вкусы и предпочтения своих хозяев. На стадии разработки проекта заказчики принимали активное участие в обсуждении и стремились обговорить все вопросы. По окончании ремонта мы продолжаем созваниваться - хозяева советуются с нами, выбирая новые предметы для своей квартиры.

Put the pieces of a little boy + girl’s room together with the gender-neutral pairing of soft grey METAL .03 and creamy orange CREATE .01.
Inspiration pour une chambre neutre bohème avec un mur multicolore.
Inspiration pour une chambre neutre bohème avec un mur multicolore.