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Idées déco de très grandes granges

Covered Riding Arena in Shingle Springs, CA
Covered Riding Arena in Shingle Springs, CA
Barn ProsBarn Pros
This covered riding arena in Shingle Springs, California houses a full horse arena, horse stalls and living quarters. The arena measures 60’ x 120’ (18 m x 36 m) and uses fully engineered clear-span steel trusses too support the roof. The ‘club’ addition measures 24’ x 120’ (7.3 m x 36 m) and provides viewing areas, horse stalls, wash bay(s) and additional storage. The owners of this structure also worked with their builder to incorporate living space into the building; a full kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and common living area are located within the club portion.
Rustic Bank Barn - Chester County, PA
Rustic Bank Barn - Chester County, PA
King Construction Company LLCKing Construction Company LLC
custom carriage door with access panel
Cette photo montre une très grande grange séparée chic.
Eads Barn Project
Eads Barn Project
David Clark Construction, LLCDavid Clark Construction, LLC
David C. Clark
Cette photo montre une très grande grange séparée nature.
Best of Houzz 2025 : les résultats sont tombés !
Large Red Barn in Dayton, OR
Large Red Barn in Dayton, OR
Spink Painting, LLCSpink Painting, LLC
Exemple d'une très grande grange séparée montagne.
RTR – Board & Batten Barn
RTR – Board & Batten Barn
Round Top Home BuildersRound Top Home Builders
Aménagement d'une très grande grange séparée campagne.
Cape Cod Barn, Pool, Patio and Landscape Design | Orleans, MA
Cape Cod Barn, Pool, Patio and Landscape Design | Orleans, MA
Michael Conway, Means-of-Production
Inspiration pour une très grande grange séparée rustique.
South Langley Stable
South Langley Stable
Site Lines Architecture Inc.Site Lines Architecture Inc.
Aménagement d'une très grande grange séparée campagne.
Perry Park Residence and Equestrian Facility - Barn
Perry Park Residence and Equestrian Facility - Barn
Vertical Arts ArchitectureVertical Arts Architecture
Riding arena.
Inspiration pour une très grande grange séparée design.
Boone's Farm
Boone's Farm
Lands End Development - Designers & BuildersLands End Development - Designers & Builders
Cette image montre une très grande grange séparée rustique.
Event Barn
Event Barn
Revival TimberworksRevival Timberworks
Aménagement d'une très grande grange séparée montagne.
Santa Ynez Valley Ranch
Santa Ynez Valley Ranch
Cavan Hadley PhotographyCavan Hadley Photography
Cavan Hadley
Idées déco pour une très grande grange séparée sud-ouest américain.
Chilmark Cape
Chilmark Cape
Sherman AssociatesSherman Associates
Bob Gothard Photography
Idées déco pour une très grande grange séparée campagne.
Nestledown Farm
Nestledown Farm
peter c quinn architectpeter c quinn architect
Lauren Rubenstein Photography
Inspiration pour une très grande grange séparée rustique.
Valley Estate
Valley Estate
Damian Farrell Design GroupDamian Farrell Design Group
The landscaping fades gently into the surrounding natural prairie. A pathway to the cellar has been cut into the sloping hillside. On the left is the covered front entry -- very nice to have during winter!
Badger Hill
Badger Hill
Neumann Lewis Buchanan ArchitectsNeumann Lewis Buchanan Architects
© Gordon Beall
Idées déco pour une très grande grange séparée campagne.
Monitor (RCA) Barns
Monitor (RCA) Barns
Barn ProsBarn Pros
Our RCA barn designs are all pre-engineered wooden kits that make barn raising quicker and easier! Our Clydesdale, Haymaker and Teton horse barns are our roomiest barns available. Designed in 14 foot increments instead of 12 foot, with an expanded footprint and soaring 35 foot peak roofline height.
South Langley Stable
South Langley Stable
Site Lines Architecture Inc.Site Lines Architecture Inc.
Cette image montre une très grande grange séparée rustique.
Shire Stable
Shire Stable
Birdseye DesignBirdseye Design
Idées déco pour une très grande grange séparée campagne.
Horse Stable & Equipment Barn | Kennett Square, PA
Horse Stable & Equipment Barn | Kennett Square, PA
Period Architecture Ltd.Period Architecture Ltd.
Angle Eye Photography
Idées déco pour une très grande grange séparée campagne.

Idées déco de très grandes granges

Cape Cod Barn, Pool, Patio and Landscape Design | Orleans, MA
Cape Cod Barn, Pool, Patio and Landscape Design | Orleans, MA
Michael Conway, Means-of-Production
Réalisation d'une très grande grange séparée champêtre.
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