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Photographes sur New York, NY

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Avis sélectionnés pour Photographes sur New York, NY

Kelsey Ann Rose
Photographes sur New York, NY
Note moyenne : 5 étoiles sur 520 juillet 2017
“Kelsey is my go-to photographer for my interiors projects. She is a delight to work with and consistently provides me with the most beautiful photographs for my portfolio, with a quick turnaround time. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for gorgeous interiors shots.”
Vic Wahby Photography
Photographes sur New York, NY
Note moyenne : 5 étoiles sur 524 novembre 2015
“I hired Victor to photograph a kitchen that I designed in Maplewood, New Jersey. Victor's professionalism impressed me and he was a pleasure to work with during the shoot. He has an easygoing nature which allowed me to feel comfortable interacting and working together to get the right shot and angle for each view. I thought he was very knowledgeable in regard to use of the equipment, getting the lighting right, and offered good visual feedback in regard to my ideas for styling the space. Most importantly I was very happy with the photos and the turnaround time was incredible! I would definitely hire Victor again and would recommend him highly.”
Regan Wood Photography
Photographes sur New York, NY
Note moyenne : 5 étoiles sur 522 décembre 2014
“We hired Regan to photograph a couple of recently completed design projects. Not only does she have a phenomenal eye and was able to suggest angles and detail shots that really captured the essence of our style, but she also was open-minded and willing to listed to our specific needs and directions (even when they turned out to be wrong and her ideas were better!) We'll definitely work with her again.”
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